Use your technologies also in the cloud

Microsoft Azure is a leader in private and public cloud solutions. As an open cloud platform, it offers access to over 200 preconfigured services. These include, for example, AI and machine learning, DevOps, Blob storage and Azure Active Directory.


All of these technologies can be used in addition to location-based systems and integrated with them. We support you in using your preferred technologies, in which you have already invested, also in the cloud.

Azure DevOps

The term DevOps is made up of “Dev” (development) and “Ops” (operations, processes) and brings people, processes and technologies together so that our customers receive high-quality products continuously.


What does DevOps mean for our teams in projects? Azure DevOps enables previously separate roles such as development, IT operations, quality assurance and security to coordinate and work together to deliver better and more reliable products.


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