News function "Display product information in the user's language"

As part of Dynamics 365 SCM 10.0.34 (June 2023), a feature was introduced that allows employees to select the language in which product names and descriptions are displayed on the user interface. Supply Chain Management already offered a localised user interface (UI), but product information could only be displayed in the system language at that time. There were many requests from users to display product names and descriptions in their preferred language. It is now possible to display product information in the user's language throughout the UI. If products do not have a name, description, etc. in the user's language, the system will provide the product texts in the system language instead. 


How can we display translated product names and descriptions in the user interface?

All Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management users can select the language they want to see in the user interface (e.g. field names, button labels and page names). The system offers users the ability to create product names and details for each product in as many different languages as needed. In addition, all printed documents can be set up so that product information can be printed in any preferred language. 

How can we set up the system to display translated product information? 

To configure the system so that product names and descriptions are displayed in the user's language, the following parameter must be activated: 

  • Please go to Product information management > Settings > Parameters for product information management. 
  • In the General section, in the Product identification section, please select an option for Display product information in the user's language
    • Yes - Display product names and descriptions in each user's preferred language in the user interface. For products where the name or description is not available in the user's preferred language, the system language is used instead. 
    • No - Always display product names and descriptions in the system language on the user interface, regardless of each user's preferred language setting. Translated product names and descriptions are still used in printed documents. 

How can we enter translated product names and descriptions? 

To enter translated names and descriptions for products, please follow these steps: 

  • Please go to Product Information Management > Products > Released Products. 
  • Search for and select the product you want to work with. 
  • In the action area, in the Product section, select Languages/Texts
  • In the Text translations window, in the action area, please select Add. 
  • In the drop-down dialogue box, select the language for which you want to enter translations. Then enter translations in the fields provided. 
  • To add translations for other languages, use the Language drop-down list to switch to the individual languages and then enter the desired translations. 


How can we select the user's preferred language? 

Please follow these steps to select the user's preferred language. This language is used for all UI elements and can also be used for product names and descriptions (if these have been entered and activated as described earlier in this article): 

  • Select the Settings button (cogwheel symbol) in the top right-hand corner and then select User options in the menu. 
  • On the Preferences tab in the Language and Country/Region information tab, set the Language field to your preferred language.